10 Key Steps To Getting A Small Business Loan

Richard Harroch. Small business loans are available from a large number of traditional and alternative lenders. Small business loans can help your business grow, fund new research and development, help you expand into new territories, enhance sales and marketing efforts, allow you to hire new people, and much more. This article sets forth 10 key steps to take in getting a small business loan, with some practical advice and insight on the lending process. 1. Understand the Different Types of Small Business Loans Available There are multiple types of small business loans available. The options vary depending on your business needs, the length of the loan, and the specific terms of the loan. Here are a number of small business loan choices: Small business line of credit. Under a small business line of credit, your business can access funds from the lender as needed. There will be a cap on the amount of funds accessible (e.g., $100,000) but a line of credit is useful for managing a...