Pastor Sunday Adelaja to raise 10,000 African millionaires

Pastor Sunday Adelaja, the founder of The Embassy of God Church based in Ukraine, plans to raise 10,000 millionaires in Africa as he revealed whilst conducting “History Makers Training” in April 2017. As a modern day reformer, The Ukranian based Pastor aims to accomplish this goal through his Economic Empowerment Program by starting in Nigeria, then replicating the initiative in other countries within the continent. This will be one of his 100,000 projects he plans to roll out in his Nigerian National Transformation plan to positively change the culture and value system in Nigeria within 10 years. It’s a reality that many African countries are endowed with valuable resources, but their citizens are severely affected by poverty. Nigeria, for example, a country with over 160 million people, is endowed with oil, fertile land, and other natural resources. Nigeria’s economy has been on the rise and remains one of the largest economies in Africa, but a significant portion of its people live in poverty. The widespread poverty in Nigeria can be attributed to the fact that the Government has failed to manage its wealth as well as due to rampant corruption among other factors. The blame cannot be squarely placed on the Government failures, but the lack of values instilled in the citizens. However, Pastor Sunday aims to be the catalyst for change, and with his impressive record of positively transforming the Nation of Ukraine, he is confident that he can replicate the success and achieve the God-given goal of liberating 40 million people from the grip of poverty in Africa. He is determined to alleviate poverty by encouraging Africans particularly Nigerians to seize opportunities available in the continent with both hands and avoid relying on Government or the ‘prosperity’ preachers to solve their issues. MasterofMoneyTopBannergray-1024x205-5-1024x205 A prosperity movement has crept most churches throughout Africa. The prosperity gospel is a perverted form of Christianity that teaches giving as the way to receiving blessings in form of financial wealth. The majority of Christians put their hopes on prosperity pastors. Pastor Sunday Adelaja is passionate about debunking prosperity movement in Africa, liberate Christians from financial and spiritual exploitation, and counter “false gospel” as there is such a worrying and deafening silence from indigenous African Churches. Image source - He believes the key to unlock the potential of a generation and create financial giants in Africa is to enlighten the citizens about the “Laws of Money.” It is the most effective way of fighting poverty and the road to financial freedom. It is the only way to riches. As noted by Pastor Sunday, “money does not come to good people, money doesn’t come to you because are a business owner, money does not come to you because you are a Christian, money only comes to those who understand and apply the ‘Laws of money.” It was through learning the Laws of Money that Pastor Adelaja was able to realize his financial breakthrough. At the early stages of building his Church, he struggled to keep the Church afloat despite receiving $20,000 a month not until God rebuked him for being lazy in regards to finances. It was due to this spiritual encounter that led him to study volumes of books related to wealth creation and finances and this way, he came to learn about the Laws of Money, which he applied to run the Church’s operation. His Chemistry worked perfectly as The Embassy of God Church became financially stable. After his church gained financial stability, he challenged himself to make his first million dollars in two years. True to his words, he achieved it within 9 months. Being a Man of God, he was also driven by the urge to change the lives of others as well to advance God’s Kingdom. And this is how the empowerment project he rolled out in Ukraine was conceived and finally came to fruition. He set up the Economic Empowerment Program also known as the Millionaires Club in Ukraine. It turned out to be a very successful project as he managed to raise 200 individuals, who were rejects in the society, from rags to millionaires in less than three years. Motivated by this great achievement, he wants to replicate the same in Nigeria and Africa by raising many more Aliko Dangote’s, Strive Masiwya’s and Folunsho Alakija’s of tomorrow. Despite being a multi-millionaire, Adelaja has one thing in common with the poor: he was subjected to severe poverty during his childhood development at Idomila Ijebu-Ode village, Ogun state in Nigeria hence he can perfectly relate with them. Moreover, there is no doubt that he will succeed in his transformative agenda and raising Millionaires. Has he puts it “Becoming a millionaire is not a big deal, it is easy!”- Sunday Adelaja. If you desire to empower yourself financially, listen to his financial audio titled “Master of Money.” In Master of Money, Sunday Adelaja gives practical steps on how to build financial future, shun spendthrift culture and not being a victim of ‘Get Rich Quick Schemes’ such as Forex trading. Truly, Master of Money has been a success as it already began to impact Africans in the Diaspora positively. Hundreds of them have increased their financial fortunes. For this reason, most have established NGO’s and foundations to empower the masses in the society.


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