Pope Francis inspiring message to heal broken families

If you find yourself in the middle of a family conflict read this empowering message by Pope Francis on how to restore, heal and unit with your loved ones. “There is no perfect family. We do not have perfect parents, we are not perfect, we do not marry a perfect person or have perfect children. We have complaints from each other. We disappointment each other. So there is no healthy marriage or healthy family without the exercise of forgiveness. Forgiveness is vital to our emotional health and spiritual survival. Without forgiveness the family becomes an arena of conflict and a stronghold of hurt. Without forgiveness, the family becomes ill. Forgiveness is the asepsis of the soul, the cleansing of the mind and the liberation of the heart. Whoever does not forgive does not have peace in the soul nor communion with God. Hurt is poison that intoxicates and kills .Keeping heartache in the heart is a self destructive gesture. Its autophagy. Those who do not forgive are physically, emotionally and spiritually ill. That is why the family must be a place of life, not of death; territory of cure not of illness; stage of forgiveness and not guilt. Forgiveness brings joy where sorrow has produced sadness; Healing where sorrow has caused diseases” – Pope Francis


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